Concerned About Recovery Education
Our Program
Recovery Community Supportive Services
The vision of the Concerned About Recovery Education is to maintain and expand our recovery community supportive services so that all persons seeking a healthy and safe supportive environment will have the opportunity to reside within one. It is possible to live an alcohol free, substance free and justice system free life.

About Us
We are a 501(c) 3, a nonprofit organization, organized in 1990 in Marin County, California. CARE was organized because of the degree and level of incarceration present in the community and the prison system.
Initially, this program was available only to individuals outside the walls of manmade institutions. It became clear that whether incarcerated by circumstances which developed a call for detention; or battling the challenges of maneuvering the maze called life, direction that would allow individuals to go beyond their circumstances and situations was needed. CARE was conceived out of the notion that to be free, individuals must educate themselves on the peaks and valleys presented by life.
Some may ask why Recovery Education? None of us were born to be thieves or murderers or rapists or dope fiends or drug dealers or gangsters. Recovery Education is about getting back to that before place. Before we found ourselves environmentally incarcerated. As we viewed this term “incarceration”, we came to realize that to a great degree, there is a strong correlation between incarceration and addiction. This course is developed to reach individuals who may find themselves floundering and in need of stability beyond the truths of day to day survival. Our intention is to teach individuals what it means to be an authentic man, and to give them the tools necessary to overcome the obstacles of your past and to enable you to move forward, gaining credibility by becoming individuals of honor.
CARE presents the possibility of release from areas of confinement common to individuals, whether they are physically, psychologically, spiritually or intellectually incarcerated.
Our Mission
The mission of this program is to promote the notion that individuals must analyze and evaluate their goals, aspirations and dreams, always keeping in mind that hopelessness is not the key to a bright future. To address and bring release to areas of confinement common to all physically, emotionally, spiritually or mentally incarcerated individuals.
To promote Accountability, Integrity and Responsibility (AIR) by developing skills necessary to enhance the family structure and develop a healthier understanding of the male/female thought process and their role in society.
To promote the notion that individuals must take care when making Choices, always keeping in mind that with their Decisions comes Consequences, for which each of them is solely Responsible (CDCR). To provide a safe, nurturing, clean and sober environment conducive to breaking the bonds of incarceration. To offer transitional living accommodations and life skill enhancement to males and females recently released from state and county correctional facilities.
OUR GOAL: To reach At Risk Populations and teach them what it means to be an authentic; to give them the tools necessary to overcome the obstacles of their past and to enable them to move forward with accountability, becoming people of integrity. We strive to turn a negative path to a positive and enduring one.
Target Population
CARE: Accountability Program (AP)
The term “At Risk” is usually associated with youth, but the core of “At Risk” behavior is the lack of family stability. Our program is targeted towards “At Risk” males who find themselves incarcerated; and who may or may not have found themselves detained by the judicial system.
CARE: Transitional Living Program (TLP)
CARE's TLP Program is a Clean and Sober Transitional Home (located on N. Franklin St. in Stockton) for individuals released from state and county correctional facilities. The individuals living in the program will offered:
Accountability classes
Community service opportunities
Computer training
Drug and alcohol counseling
Educational enhancement
Employment planning
Financial literacy training
Healthcare screening
Life skills counseling
Opportunities for family reconciliation and reunification
Peer counseling training
Recreational activities
Program Modules
Module I:
Free Inside & Out

What Do You Think?
Manhood 101
Neighborhood Watch
Module I:
Free Inside & Out
Module II:
Overcoming Our Hurts, Habits, & Hang-Ups
Abuse, Neglect, & Exploitation
Living Sober
Module II:
Overcoming Our Hurts, Habits, & Hang-Ups
Module III:
Relationship Dynamics
Cultivating Successful Relationships
Specific Relationships
Module III:
Module IV:
Module IV:
Module V:
Financial Literacy
The Basics of Money Management
The Value of Money & Keeping a Budget
Different Kinds of Banking Possibilities
Creating a Business Plan
Module V:
Financial Literacy